Tuesday, January 29, 2008

When I'm alone I...

Think about how my life will turn up as when I grow up.
Like how many kids will I have to come home to or will I not have any.
Will I ever get married or not will I ever find the right man or not.
Will I get the job of my dreams or will I end up like my dad no job no life to look up too nothing more than a lowlife person.
How will my life turn out when I grow up?
That is the only question I ever ask myself when I am alone I…
-Tabitha Holcombe


~*Ashley's Blog*~ said...

That is really good and a good question because you never know any of that stuff UNTIL your older but i guess we will all have to wait and see.

~*Ashley AKA Blondie*~

ReeCee said...

I remember wondering the same things when I was younger. I sometimes have those same questions...even now!

Ms. G