Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Pictures of the Week - Pictures of the Week - TIME

Pictures of the Week - Pictures of the Week - TIME

A picture or 1000 words? Capture this image in words. Find the story. Think about what people on both sides of the wall: Palestenians and Egyptians might be thinking/feeling. You could choose one person and write from his/her point of view.


Inga said...

The woman in green:

Is it providence that the wall fell? Opening up opportunity for freedom, to leave my house like a normal mother to buy a pound of sugar. I will step over the bridge of a bombed barricade, but tonight I will return not knowing who will be bombed next. Even with a fence in tatters, I am not free.

armando "armandillo" morfin said...

people from gaza come to egyght for jobs from the war.i think that u.s.a. need to set a diplomacy between israel and labanon

Jalique said...

I think that women on the photo with the suit cases should have more people to help her load those bags on the plane.

rosa said...

If i were this people i think that i would be angry because i dont want to be in this country where everyone is dying. So many people have nowhere to go and they dont have much food, and clothes. If I were the women holding a bag, I think that i would be angry because I would not have enough clothes or nothing at all.

TiNK said...

Lots of people

Not from America

Different religion

Women have on religious head scrafs

More women than man

Brown fence

Border between the countries

Runnin for help


“What are we going to do?”

celeste said...

I'm thinking how do they feel right now leaving. And the people sorty smiling are they happy to leave their home land. And why do they feel happy what happen to be happy to leave. This makes me think of people leaving their country and becoming citzens in a America smiling with joy. Because I amit the girl with the green jacket looks pretty happy for her country to be destroyed.

Anonymous said...

By looking the terrifing tragic in the picture, I have goosebumps just looking at the women. If I d be one of the women I would be happy to get food and supplies but not so happy having a war pretty much in their backyard. Just looking at them they are starving. Where did the children go?

darrius said...

The people were happy because the wall that kept them in got bombed. If I was the boy holding the bag I would be so happy. It would be so great to finally get into a country you've been wanting to get in al you life.

Meli said...

I think that the people from Palestinian are happy that the border fell down because they can buy foods for their family and they can start being friends with the Egyptians. I like the other picture in the "Picture of the Week". I really like the picture of the Keyans because their homes were brumed in the post-election violence. I really feel sorry for them becuase they have no place to go to now. Most people are saved from the fire.

brittany said...

I think that thier are lots of people.Their probaly not happy about leaving but some of them might bve happy. And their are lots of religion ladies with head wraps, and men with there type of relgion showing in some kind of way.

CiCi Menza said...

i feel soo happy that know because of the whole in the wall we can get things we need to get to cook with and materials for clothes but then again it's also so sad because they are going to build the wall back up and cover the hole. i do not know what my family will do then.

Kayla said...

What is wrong with my parents trying to go over there and buy food to live off of? All we want to do is get a little bit of food we don't mean any harm at all.

A child of Gaza

caffeinefree12 said...

I think the Egyptians were kind and generous in letting us cross and not getting mad. They feel they can trust us coming over not to bring the war with us. They can uderstand the trouble I'm going through and help us out as a country by giving supplies. Thank you Egypt!!!

caffeinefree12 said...

I think Egypt was kind to let us cross the blown-down gate. My people really needed supplies to fight. The Egyptians trust us not to bring the war to them.

Tabitha said...

I’m the lady in blue.
I hear children screaming for their mothers and fathers,
I see children looking for their parents and loved ones.
Everyone pushing and shoving to find or get to their families.
I wonder what will happen now that militants destroyed the wall between Gaza and Egypt at the Rafah camp.

Inga said...

I'm wondering around what to see. Looking at other people what are they going to do?

Unknown said...

I am is the boy in the thin blue jacket

why is everbody going crazy is this going to stop. Were are my parents I am lost I am sad and hungry and confused whats going on.

Unknown said...

The lady with the bag in her hand looks carrying food.
Shakari Mcintosh

desmond said...

I am the little boy in the blue. i wonder where my parents are,i cant find them any where.they might be across the border getting new stuff for me,but again they might be looking for me.i really scared to cross the border i never been over there before.Will they harm me or not.shall i find my parents or stay.

spidermanmushra said...

I am a man in a brown coat

Unknown said...

Child of Gaza:
I am walking around.I stand there looking around.What's going on?As I stand there, I watch families walk by.What do I do?Where do I go?

Unknown said...

chase rumens I am the child in blue.

I’m thinking about when the next bomb will go off and where it will go off. Will it kill me and my family? I must make sure that I don’t get lost. Also, I am grateful that we're not dead and they're letting us come over and get better stuff than what we have back home. I wonder when they will fix the wall. I hope they never will build it back so all of my people get better stuff and have a better life.

Jessica said...

I see that the wall fell over. I see people walking around with their family. There are people crossing into Egypt. I try not to worry. What are we going to do?

Keandra said...

the woman in the picture looks worried and happy.Happy because she will have a full belly.and can bring food back home.and worried because she doesn't know were the bomb will hit NEXT!!!

Unknown said...

child in green

im am so glad we finally got some food i have been so grateful for this wall blowing down it is like a miricale. but what is going to happen now? will they take this to far? is this just a accident?will they come back? im scared!!!:(

~*Ashley's Blog*~ said...

Well I feel really bad about all the things that happened here lately or that is happening right now and I hope that since the wall got tore down that peoples homes and jobs won't. I hope that the two countries or states (whatever)can get along and work this out.

Unknown said...

im the littil boy giving food in a guful bag.
i like helping people.
but i dont like working so hard,i want more money

i love you carley

jesse said...

these people look as if they are hungry. if i didn't know any better i would say that they want human flesh. it is really cruel to actually have people that look that thin. but then again they could have just let all the fat people stay back in the village while evryone else went to get food. just kidding. if people really look that thin then the government needs to do something.

Unknown said...

I am the man who is walling acrose to get food.I am werwe that a other bonde might hit my huace.I'm going to get more splice to srvie.

Unknown said...

I see a lot of people some of there famlies are dead cause isrealites biow them up i feel sorry 4 them

Unknown said...

I'm a little girl captured in this war. I can't and don't belong here. There is always fear, always bondage and always sadness. I have to go somewhere else just to get food. I wait to discover something better than this. I always feel like there's something I missed.