Check out these Time Photos of the Year.
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Anylize one of the photographs you think is poignant. Write on your paper, then post your critique if you have time.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
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I like the picture of the 5 women police officers with riffles. 2 of the women were smiling away holding the rifles. The other 3 were very serious but, you could tell they liked that. So if I was a men I would be scared if you see at least those women caring something secret. So I would be scared if you go to Khumri, Afghistan.
I think we can learn somthing from these photos that the ways of the world are horrible and people are being killed. Families are divied people on the street,starving,and no bed to sleep in.I was put on this earth for a reason and untill my day comes,I'm going to do what I was called to do.
in this picture there was a man that was jumping over water that was falling down like a waterfall. the water was dirty and looked very pollouted. it was brown. it looked like he was running from was interesting
this photo have 3 monitors and lcd tv. have alot of paper work. al gore him self an pc. sevarla books. hi work alot. color as color.not sure. good like home. to show al gore warning. and pollution.
Army soliders smilling people clapping soliders giving them high five. Happy and glad to be home. I see a lot of colors but mostly green. everyone shouting and screaming and cheering. it makes me feel happy that we have nice people that are fighting for our country. to think that we have a lot of hero(s). It is always dangerous.
This is one of my favorite picture because its show in everything that a picture has. There are a little girl in front of another and they are protesting for immigration. Of the girls is holding a american flag. There are alot of people.They are doing something to change the world.this picture is in denver.
what chatch my eye when i see this picture is the 2 man shaking each other hand. i see a table in the foreground. in the middle i see a tv. background i see a green and yellow wall. there are no facial epressions. i see green yellow black blue. probaly peolpe wacthing it getting mad. it make me feel traded. they wanted us to see the deal they are making.
i think the Red Sox baseball team is having a party cause they might have won a championship.They are laughing, cheering,poppin beer bottles,and drinking wine and beer.
i think the Red Sox baseball team is having a party cause they might have won a championship.They are laughing, cheering,poppin beer bottles,and drinking wine and beer.
There is a giant cloud on Khartoum, Sudan. I see a giant cloud of dust, trees, dirt, and buildings. The fog first catches my eye. I see buildings in the foreground, I see more buildings in the middleground, and fog in the background. I didn't see any facial expressions and the colors I saw was brown, green, and white. I imagine that the cloud will have alot of bad gases in it. The pic makes me feel like nothin really. to showhow big fogs can get. I think the world is weird.
The girls eyes catche my eye at first. the girl was looking out of a window in the forground in the middle ground she is standing there looking lost but in the background their is a black sheet looks like to me.She also looks lost and mad because of the weather. I see black, white, and light blue colors.This picture makes me feel sad and gloomy. I think the photographer took this photo to show us how sad and misurable the people in other countrys feel about the weather.This photo makes me think about how sad I was when I found out that my grandmother was going to die.
The first thing that catches my eye in the picyure of the soldiers is the man under the dogpile of american soldier. The cloud of dust behind them makes you wonder what is going on. The soldiers are shielding the man from debris in the air made by a rescue helicopter. The picture of the dust is the next picture. It pulled my attention seeing as the entire place was red and i wondered what was going on. It was only dust in the air in front of a city.
Here's the picture I blogged about.,29307,1695460_1505779,00.html
it is terrifing that a young person would kill 32 people and himself in the picture you see the killer in a yearbook he did not look mean but a killer is what he grew up yo be.
The Soliders are putting another solider in a body bag. In the background all I see is dirt and smoke.The guy that is being put in a body bag is injured really bad. I see red, blue, and ornge colors in the picture. Soliders fighting at war. The pictuer makes me feel like cring because there is a ton of solider getting killed each and every day. I think that the photographer wastrying to tell the preident to stop the war.
Brides are eating cake and competeing.
I see white.
cake abou to be eaten
Their trying to hurry up
i see white, blue, maybe peach
The picture makes me laugh
To see how brides compete
Go out there and eat some cake with them.Its making me hungry at the same time want to puke aslo
By Maria
Kenya elections aftermath: Police chasing looting protesters, Nairobi, December 31
1)The police with a stick in his hands about to hit kids
2)The police officer
3)The kids (protesters)
4)Hotel and stores
5)The kids are scared
6)All colors
7)People are having elections.
8)It makes me feel terrible
9)To show the troubles they are having in Kenya
10)It makes me realize that there is alot of problems in the world with elections.
I like the photo the photo that show the tennis player in the water. The fist thing that catches my eye is the tennis player. The light is in the foreground. The middle ground is the tennis player in the water. I notice the serious expression. I see blue and yellow. Th whoe person is taking a photo graph is outside the picture. the picture makes me feel good about myself. To show that tennis players can swim too. That the world is full of sports.
The first thing that chaches my eye is the U.S. soldiers protecting another injered soldier.
The soldiers are in the foreground.
In the middle groung some soldiers are leaning over to help the man.In the background I see rocks,grass, and lots of dust.The facial ecpressions was crying, from the injered man. The colors i see is gray,black,blue,white, brown,green. I imagine bombs going off and guns killing people.This pocture makes me feel sad, hurt, and want to bring the soldiers back home.The potographer took this picture so we can see what is happing over there and no cover up lies. This pic. makes me think of the world that war is everywhere weater it is in Iraq or at school.
But we need to stand beside each other and help the falling.
What catches my eye is the lava or fire. I see blury people.I see a bunch of ashes and stuff flying around. I see a bunch of smoke and stuff.
What catches my eye first is the soldiers helping a wounded comrad.
In the foreground I see the wounded comrad. In the middle ground I see the soldiers around the wounded person. In the background I see a lot of smoke. I can't see their faces but I think their facial expression is that they are sad orr worried because one of their comrads is hurt. The colors that I see are gray, blue, and white. What I think is happening outside of the picture is people running for safety, and I also think that soldiers are trying to help people in need. The picture makes me feel that the soldiers need to go home because maybe if they were home then less people would be getting hurt. I think that the photographer took this picture is to make people think about what is happening in life. It makes me think about the world that there are a lot of bad and sad things happening.
I think the picture with the soilders was sad because that man that was on the ground could have died and I think the people that help he are sad to.
I looked at the picture with the man holding the 101.27 carat diamond in his hand.If iwas him i would have had kept it for treasures because it looked so wonderful but..... i wonder if its real???
this is so pretty this is the eclips i was outside the whole time i was so cold but it was fasanating.
her figure
blue stuff
the lady
the black space
an audience and judges is watching her performance
funny and serious and scared
to show the lady's peraformance and how she did
that there is talent in young children
i lke every pic.
i am a celeb wearing a beautiful winter furry dress.i see a lot of fans & i just got a nominee award for best actress in hollywood.i really luv the cameras and all eyes on me.right now i am getting ready to go on stage 4 my fans
the first thing that catches my attention is the women with the guns. in the pictures forground i see that they are in a building.
in the middle ground i see they are wearing dressess. And in the background i see a wall. i notice that the women look happy about what they are doing.
i see green and brown and some black. i believe that these women are soldiers. the picture makes me feel scared. i think that the photagrapher took this because he meant to show that this is anyones war. the world is cruel especially to women.
The two women in black grieving catch my attention first. I see a thin, black veil in the foreground. I see black in the background. I see a woman falling down in the middle ground. I see a woman in the side also grieving. The woman falling down looks like she wants to die. Her eyes are closed, her mouth is open a little bit. The woman helping th girl who is falling looks sad. Her eyes are filled with fear and grief. Her mouth is open a little also. I see a tear falling. I see mostly black and the skin color of a white person. I think there are other women grieving outside the picture. This picture makes me feel sorry for these women. The photographer pprobably took this picture to let Americans see that people on the other side suffer to too because of war. This picture makes me think that saddness and grief are starting to overtake the world and that it won't stop until we can just get along!
That person was very lucky to have the military on their side to help he because he was inchured during that time.
I like the picture of the guy walking and the sun fading with shades of orange. The guy looks sad there is no other people outside besides him and there is alot of buildings but it is a sad setting but at the same time a pretty one.
I think the one with the two birds on the fence and a space shuttle in the background is going to take off. The space shuttle is white with black. It was pretty and excitement. I thought it was amazing. I would like to see it take off.
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