Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Tanglewood Photo Ops...

Check out these photos of Govorner Riley's visit to Tanglewood!

What makes Tanglewood Great? If you were going to highlight one of the greatest/most interesting aspects of Tanglewood, what would you write about? What would you take pictures of to show what is unique (good or bad) about Tanglewood?


Jalique said...

I just don't like the dress code

brittany said...

I Think that Tanglewood is a good school and have hard working kids who like to learn but do have moments that they want to have fun but will always be ready to learn.

kyshawn said...

i like how teacher's let us do fun projects and how they are...

TiNK said...

i think that tanglewood is a good school. it just has bad kids in it which equals bad reputation. i dont like all the lunch detetions..all that not called for..cold bologna and what not..Uggghhh! and i dont to much like the adminerstrators. to loud and mean. i dont like how they try to be srict just because of pact scores, not all scores are low, but they put it out on everyone like they are

brittany said...

Once the that bell ring thats when they let it all they talk, play, and just chill with their friends and they just love to have a good time but when the 3min bell ring thats when they clear the hallways and go to their next class

Anonymous said...

People think Tanglewood is a horrible school. Tanglewood is a very great school. The only bad thing is the dress code. I think we could wear anything that is not bad, we sould be able to express ourselves by the clothles we wear. In classrooms are quiet as they can be. Students at Tanglewood are always wants to learn.

armando "armandillo" morfin said...

TMS is a good school put the teachers help us to make basic or above on PACT!!

Meli said...

I think Tanglewood is okay but the dress code has to go might as well put us in uniform. Its too much for us student(s). How about if some of us students dont have enough money to buy collar shirt(s) because some collarnshirts are expensive for some people. We have to express our selfs in some ways dont we? But we dont have to wear all like gangster(s), and like hochie mamas.Well you guys know what i mean.

TiNK said...

i read the one about london fashion and i read the one about penguins. i learned how to stand when you model. in the other photo essay i learned how penguins keep warm. i liked how both essays showed pictures to inform. i didnt like how they was so graphic in some. like showing blood and stuff. it would be about the superbowl if i wrote an essay. the purposes can be to inform,persuade, and entertain. mine will enertain people that like football. my pictues wuld be of players and major parts in the game.

TiNK said...

i would write about lunch detentions, and take piqks of the food and the little room.

Tabitha said...

Tanglewood is a good school and has been working very hard to make tanglewood a better school.

CiCi Menza said...

i think that the dress code is stupid becuase some of us shouldn't have to do dress code because it's stupid.

Haley said...

I want to do teacher's having fun with the kids.

Tabitha said...

How many students get sent to I.S.S or get a referal a day or just get sent out of class.

Kayla said...

ummmm......... how mant people get in trouble a day

caffeinefree12 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kayla said...

I think that Tanglewood Middle is very materalistic. On my tour I seen things that was needed in the Hallways. I mean they are there to display the success of Tanglewood but having its only personal space to display iis alright. But having it to a certain size would be better. I think Tanglewood is over doing it.

caffeinefree12 said...

I think that some of the students are TMS are what gave it this bad reputation. In the hallway there's a lot of fighting gossiping going on. That is why people say that T-wood is a bad school.

Unknown said...

i could take pictures of how classes are not active. i could write a story on how the teachers could put more fun into what they teach.

Unknown said...

I think Tangle Wood is a good school because 8th graders are working will hard out of every hall

desmond said...

i wil write my story on what happens in PE

Unknown said...

What Iss is like.

Motocross Girl said...

I want to do Mr.Blizzard's class and see what is going on in his room.

Unknown said...

Tanglewood Middle School is cool and fun to go to and every bodyelase said that they do not like this School they are bad they were doing their work.

Unknown said...

I would take picture of people geting into trouble in hallway

Unknown said...

pe class differince i see a big differince becasuse they have more fun in jim than in a normal class.

Jessica said...

I saw kids in science doing a lab. It looked like they were really into science. They were learning in a creative way, they were in groups and were working with beakers. Their lab looked very interested and it kept them busy. This is a great way to learn.

Inga said...

I Think Tanglewood is a great
school!its, like people do work
on their laptop when they are good
at it.i do not like mean people
when they are not nice. they fight
each other when they get lunch
detention. when they fight in
a classroom when teachers told
them to stop i hate mean kids if
they say bad words.i get to spy
on them!

Unknown said...

i would like to write about the dress code.

Unknown said...

I think Tanglewood is a great school. The art class looks like a very interesting topic that contributes to the wonderful school Tanglewood is. The art classes have their projects displayed. I want to learn about what projects they are doing now and what they are learnring.

Inga said...

The offise is a plaece for mums and dads to come or call for helpor drop off lattekids. It is a plaece for teachers, too.

Destiny Davis said....

Unknown said...

I didn't like the dress code

catmanblue42 said...

i think that people shouldnt judge our school because of what they hear on the street

~*Ashley's Blog*~ said...

I want to write about the girl's bathroom because all of the drama that happens and the talk that goes on in their also to give you a hint most girl's don't go in the bathroom to use the bathroom they go to talk, text, and call people sometimes...Lots of other stuff too. But some girl's really have to go to the bathroom it just depends but you'd think it was the bad girl's that go in their to talk junk or drama but usually it's the good girl's and I know this from watching other people not because I do it. (Just a hint)!